What We Do


Collaboration is the key

The ability to collaborate effectively, harness the benefits of diversity and overcome potential impediments to effectively ‘teaming’ is essential for individual and collective success in today’s complex working environment. Evidence suggests our ability to work with and through others is one of the most critical distinguishing factors for achieving lasting individual, team, inter-team, organisation, institutional or social progress. 

It's People that Make the Difference

The ability to collaborate effectively, harness the benefits of diversity and overcome potential impediments to effectively ‘teaming’ is essential for individual and collective success in today’s complex working environment. Evidence suggests our ability to work with and through others is one of the most critical distinguishing factors for achieving lasting individual, team, inter-team, organisation, institutional or social progress. 

Applying Experience

The ability to collaborate effectively, harness the benefits of diversity and overcome potential impediments to effectively ‘teaming’ is essential for individual and collective success in today’s complex working environment. Evidence suggests our ability to work with and through others is one of the most critical distinguishing factors for achieving lasting individual, team, inter-team, organisation, institutional or social progress. 

Icon showing hands piecing together a pie chart

is the key

The ability to collaborate effectively, harness the benefits of diversity and overcome potential impediments to effectively ‘teaming’ is essential for individual and collective success in the complex working environment we face today and into the future. Evidence suggests our ability to work with, and through others, is one of the most critical distinguishing factors for achieving lasting individual, team, inter-team, organisation, institutional or social progress.

Icon with a cog sitting above three business people

It's People that
Make the Difference

We have helped thousands of individuals and teams reach their potential by focussing on achieving outcomes together in any setting that requires effective interaction with others.

Icon showing two people climbing to success


Using knowledge and experience gained over decades, we bring together elements of organisation and culture development, business acumen, workplace simulation and positive behaviour change to help clients achieve desired objectives. We work with organisations across all sectors and have specifically tailored services for Defence, Public, Professional Services and Industry Sectors.


Highly effective individuals, teams, groups, functions, business lines and organisations don’t occur by chance. They are invariably the result of conscious collective and individual effort, with focus on the most important areas for improvement.  

Encapsulated in our Collective and Individual Sustainable Success (CISS) framework, we apply proven approaches, methods, tools and techniques drawn from contemporary research. Just as client organisations come in all shapes and sizes, the impediments to realising full potential also present in a variety of ways.

This is why we carefully listen to the context and first-hand experience of issues with which our clients are grappling. Our preference is to work closely with you to ensure right-fit approach and optimal alignment to deliver targeted outcomes.

Two women look at a computer screen in an office

Collective & Individual Sustainable Success

Culture and Strategy

Culture and strategy are inextricably entwined and essential for organisational success. Clear strategy needs a positive culture if it is to be translated into real demonstratable gains. Positive culture needs clear strategy to guide and channel effort in appropriate and productive directions. 


Developing and drafting strategy can be relatively straight forward. The greater challenge is achieving buy-in and engagement at all levels. 


The more business lines, departments, functions, teams and individuals have meaningful line-of-sight to high level strategic goals, the higher the probability of achieving those goals. 


nXus People  can assist at any point in the maturity of your organisation, culture or strategy. 


This may include bringing senior stakeholders together and creating an environment where they are able to manage differences, collaborate and align around agreed strategic goals. We can also help with the engagement process necessary to cascade strategy and to embed it within all levels of your organisation.  And, of course, we can help you understand and develop a culture which enables delivery of strategic objectives.

Team Purpose, Alignment & Clarity

The nXus People Team Purpose, Alignment & Clarity approach is designed to help team members clarify their shared understanding of purpose and priorities. Teams must exist for reasons which are clearly understood, acknowledged by all members and add unique value. Without alignment around purpose, members may feel coming together is a distraction and a poor use of valuable time that could be better used making individual contributions.


We help teams and organisations define strategic purpose, which may extend to vision and values. The resulting alignment enables all team members to fully contribute, manage contested issues effectively, stay focused on priorities and deliver value over and above what they could do individually.

Organisation, Structure and Role Design

Poorly aligned structure and role design can significantly impede delivery of targeted objectives or, in worst case scenarios, make delivery virtually impossible.  


The right structures and jobs will support organisational priorities. In a world where rapid change is the norm, structures and key roles need to evolve and remain relevant. Modern matrixed organisations, where functions must be responsive to differing business units or department needs, particularly need structure and role clarity if they are to thrive.   


nXus People can help ensure your structure and key roles are aligned and sufficiently agile to meet changing needs. This includes alignment of expectations when roles are dependent on each other for success.

Business Scenario, Simulation & Gaming

Business scenario simulation and gaming tools can help your organisation test and analyse strategies, assess potential risks and opportunities, and make informed decisions in a safe and controlled environment. They can also challenge and fast track development of team effectiveness.


nXus People has access to leading tools and gaming platforms that deliver highly relevant simulation experiences.


Our business scenario services typically involve the use of hypothetical situations or scenarios that reflect real-world business challenges. These scenarios can include changing economic conditions, impacts of game-changer technologies, variations in consumer behaviour, regulatory changes or other factors with which teams and organisations may need to grapple. Through simulation, teams and organisations can test potential risks and likely outcomes of particular decisions. 


Business scenario simulation and gaming services can provide significant benefits to organisations, including improved decision-making, risk management, and process optimisation. They can also help companies innovate and adapt to changing market conditions, leading to increased competitiveness and profitability.

Purposeful Collaboration

Highly effective teams never happen by chance. They are the result of team members taking deliberate steps to improve how well they work with one another. Collective performance is largely driven by the extent to which members can actively listen and process what others are saying, trade ideas and flex to meet evolving needs. This applies to intact teams, multi-stakeholder project teams and all the way up to cross-functional or intra-departmental teams, sometimes with strong competing agendas.


Our approach helps you create a team-culture with explicit behavioural expectations that encourage members to engage and fully contribute. With a focus on collaborative purpose, members can apply their unique talents and experience to achieve powerful collective outcomes.

Through real insights into how team members think, problem solve and communicate, we enable leaders and team members to create psychologically safe, feedback-rich environments where members can challenge with positive intent, test innovative ideas, build on each other’s contributions and deliver productive outcomes.

Leadership Coaching for Success

Existing and emerging leaders invariably encounter significant challenges throughout their careers. Challenges can include key decision points, interpersonal conflicts, bringing others along on the change journey or the demands of adapting to changing conditions.


Tailored one-on-one coaching is one of the most effective ways leaders can help themselves manage such challenges and develop critical capabilities. nXus People Coaching for Success creates a support environment where different approaches and perspectives can be tested. New skills and behaviours can be learned, and targeted positive change can be delivered through experience and application.  


Our approach draws on research from contemporary leadership, executive, wellbeing and career coaching to ensure the specific needs of emerging and existing leaders can be addressed. The program may also include proven assessment tools to help illuminate capability and development areas.

Business and Commercial Acumen

Effective business and commercial leadership are core to the success of any organisation. Business acumen enables us to understand how a business operates, including the financial and economic levers that impact performance and how they interact with one another. Commercial acumen helps build understanding of the market, competitors and customers.


A baseline understanding of business and commercial acumen is essential if leaders are to navigate organisational complexities. This is as true for functional cost centre managers as it is for those with direct business unit P/L accountability. Increased fluency in the language of business and commercial acumen enables different parts of a business to connect and communicate more effectively.


nXus People can help your leaders and managers at all levels to develop business acumen. Equipped with this capability they can more fully participate in business and commercial decision-making.

Behavioural Change Management

In today’s ever-evolving world it is increasingly rare that organisations describe themselves as attending to ‘business as usual’. While the state of BAU is shrinking, ongoing change has become the norm. Whether it’s the cumulative evolutionary effects of multiple small changes or the revolutionary impact of large-scale changes, the ability of your people to adapt can make the difference between realising intended ROI and a protracted period of uncertainty, lost productivity and reduced customer service.      


With a focus on helping individuals, teams and groups adapt their thinking and behaviour necessary to navigate change, the nXus People approach can build change resilience, increase the likelihood targeted change benefits being delivered, maintain employee wellbeing and lay the foundation for your people to thrive in an evolving environment.


Our experience shows that to achieve the greatest positive impact, interventions can be required at any level of an organisation. Our services can be tailored to all levels from individuals to entire enterprises.

We apply our services at different levels of an organisation to meet your needs.

A diagram showing the different organisational levels
Individual Team Cohort Projects,
consortia &
Leadership, excutive, career & business acumen coaching
Team & pair coaching
Leadership & skills development
Business simulation & gaming
Harnessing diversity & inclusion
Enhanced team effectiveness & collaboration
Improving wellbeing & resilience
Creating clarity around purpose, alignment & accountability
Resource planning & managing behavioural change
Optimising structure & key role design


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